"Wow Scott. We are beyond impressed! What agreat movie. Great plot and great music."
Bob Stepnicka
"We just finished watching the movie and it was fantastic!!! My best friend watched it with us. I had told her about it last year, but she didn't expect it to be that good since she knew it was an independent film. After it was over she was moved to tears! She was shocked at what good quality it was and really enjoyed the movie, as did Dale and I of course!!! Thank you so much for sending us our very own copy. I will forever treasure it. God will surely bless you and I know this movie will be a success in the near future!"
"We liked the story line of two disparate individuals searching for a soul mate in an apparently cruel world where God deals out challenged children! Where guitars and sportswork hand in hand to entertain and teach valuable lessons to children and adults alike! Where circumstances prove it's not the cards your dealt that make you who you are - it's how you chose to play those cards. Thanks for sharing the effort. It's impressive - really. You should be so proud that you pulled such an effort together in the first place - you're a real pro Scott; it's in your blood! Be cool."
"God gives special kids to special people because he knows, as with your family, you shall overcome; we question ourselves, we doubt ourselves, we face challenges and everyday we prosper and grow. Our Kids are what this world should really be about; maybe someday the world will understand and see the light. As in the scene with Bobby and his Mother, fantastic, I don't think it could have been said any better. Scott I remember the first time I met you and Gloria on Field 6 at Bay Creek, I knew then I had met someone special but didn't understand how special. Thanks to you, you're friends, family and crew for making a great movie that I hope will do to the world what it has done for me tonight."
Rick Corbet
"What I see is an incredibly strong story line. It is remarkable to me that you were able to put this together, and I can't even begin to imagine the amount of work involved.It still comes off really good, really nice. By the way, I love some of your subtle touches here, and I think you all did a fabulous job with the musical background. Very strong. And a great choice for the closing credits, when they materialize."